Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a practical and solution-focused approach to therapy. The idea behind CBT is that our thoughts (“cognitions”), our behaviour and our emotions/feelings have an effect on one another. If we change the way we think or behave in a situation it will change the way we feel. The aim of CBT is to use these links to help you make changes to negative thought patterns, stuck habits and vicious cycles to improve your mood and day-today-functioning.
Unless you are working on a very long-term problem CBT focuses on the present and the future. Past experiences are considered but the focus is more on current concerns.
CBT is a collaborative therapy, which means that you take an active involvement in working on the content and structure of your sessions. Your therapist will also set you some tasks to do in between session. The idea is that once the treatment is over, you should feel confident and comfortable enough to continue the work on your own.
CBT is best for those who want practical help with managing symptoms, and it can address a wide range of psychological difficulties. It is usually a shorter-term treatment but can be adapted and extended to help with more entrenched problems.The therapy has also been shown effective for physical health problems, such as chronic pain. It cannot cure such ailments, but can help people cope emotionally with the symptoms.
For more information, please go to: http://www.babcp.com/Default.aspx
The Lighthouse Psychology Practice